Summer: Living Seasonally through the Fire Element

The key is to bring balance to your body during this time by keeping cool and flushing the summer heat out. While acupuncture and herbal therapy can help of course, the following 3 items are indispensable weapons to aid in your recovery. They can easily be found in your kitchen or the grocery store:

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San Fu Moxibustion: When and why to do it.

San Fu Moxibustion is a treatment given during the hottest days of summer. It is a therapy where we “treat winter diseases during the summer”. For centuries, people have been given this warming herbal plaster treatment 3 times over the course of one month spanning the dog days of summer.

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Jennifer Green
Fertility and Acupuncture: How does it work?

By the time many people have heard about the benefits of acupuncture for fertility, they may have already been struggling for years to conceive, endured multiple miscarriages, or had an IVF cycle or two that just didn’t take. Many times they come to our clinic as a last resort when everything else has not yet worked for them. We’re here to help.

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Late Summer: Eating Seasonally with the Wisdom of Chinese Medicine

Late Summer is a time for grounding, reflecting, nourishing. Think of the harvests and bounty of abundance that this season represents as makes way to Fall. As we evolve into the golden sunset of Late Summer, we too, must evolve our dietary habits to coincide with this transformation of seasons.    

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