Pregnancy and Acupuncture: What are the Benefits?

A common question I hear is: “Is acupuncture safe during pregnancy?”

My response: An enthusiastic “YES!”

Under the care of a qualified practitioner acupuncture is not only safe, it is a valuable resource for the expectant mother and the developing baby.

You may have read our other articles about how acupuncture can help with pre-conception support and how acupuncture can enhance your chances of becoming pregnant. Not only does it help you achieve pregnancy, acupuncture can also help you step-by-step through each phase of your pregnancy to maintain the health of you and your little one.

Regardless of what phase of pregnancy you find yourself in, acupuncture has a direct effect on the development and health of the precious one growing day by day inside you. As we work together to optimize mom’s health, we are affecting each developmental stage for the baby by supporting the mother’s digestion, blood circulation, lymph regulation, sleep and relaxation. This in turn makes more nutrients and blood flow available for the growing fetus as well as keeping the mother relaxed and happy through the entire pregnancy.

First Trimester
Acupuncture is an invaluable treatment during the first trimester. This is the most precarious term as most mothers-to-be wait in anticipation for the 12th week. This is the phase in which almost 80% of all pregnancy loss occurs.  Each week the pregnancy progresses, the lower the chance for miscarriage. This is why acupuncture is so important during the first trimester. Your skilled practitioner can apply treatments and prescribe herbs to help stabilize and “hold” the pregnancy by encouraging the production of essential pregnancy hormones, reducing the immune reaction that may facilitate a rejection of the pregnancy and by eliciting a sense of peace and well-being for the expectant mother. Especially so if one has experienced previous or recurrent pregnancy loss prior to the current conception. I recommend all of my patients that have sought out fertility assistance to conceive or who have encountered pregnancy loss to have regular weekly treatments during the first term. This is also very helpful for the mother as this is the time in which nausea, morning sickness, fatigue and headaches are most prevalent. Not only will we be able to stabilize the pregnancy to help ensure a thriving full term birth but we can help alleviate these uncomfortable symptoms at a time when most over-the-counter remedies are not advised during pregnancy. Our medicine can also be a life saver for mamas-to-be throughout pregnancy to deal with common maladies like allergies, colds & flu, digestive discomfort, when there are limited alternatives to deal with such issues!

Second Trimester
Onward onto the 2nd trimester, acupuncture can help with the same type of symptoms as in the first trimester, though oftentimes those pesky feelings like nausea and fatigue have quite improved by this time. Meanwhile, your pregnancy has progressed and you have made it out of the precarious first 12 weeks so you can ease up on the frequency of acupuncture sessions, if you like. I usually suggest scheduling a treatment once per month during the 2nd trimester unless you have a specific issue that you would like to have addressed. During this term certain feelings like pelvic, hip and lower back strain may begin to become annoying or downright disruptive to your happy pregnancy life.  Issues such as round ligament type pain or meralgia paresthetica can cause you to want to come in more frequently. Acid reflux and constipation complaints also can wreak havoc on your digestion and comfort at this time.  The good news is our practitioners have treated these conditions many times and can help provide relief when typical pain relievers and other remedies are out of reach during pregnancy.

Third Trimester
During the 3rd trimester, we will typically follow the same rule of thumb as in the 2nd trimester. Monthly appointments are adequate as long as you are not experiencing any other pregnancy related symptoms. Around weeks 32-34, the baby is transitioning to face downward to prepare for birth. Most times the little one knows exactly what to do, but sometimes she or he needs a little guidance in the right direction. With the use of acupuncture points and a highly regarded therapy called moxibustion we can help to turn babies around or prevent breech presentations. During each session we are also working on the integrity of the mother’s muscles and tendons to keep everything in a comfortable place during the entire pregnancy and also to prime her uterus and muscles for more efficient, effective contractions which make for easier, shorter delivery times.

Labor Preparation
Nearing the end of the 3rd trimester, starting around the 36th or 37th weeks, we recommend weekly treatments again to begin to prepare the mother-to-be for labor and delivery. During these treatments we employ points that help ripen and soften the cervix. A ripened cervix may help encourage a shorter, but not rushed delivery time. Acupuncture at the points Hegu LI-4 and Sanyinjiao SP-6 support cervical ripening and can shorten the time interval between the woman’s expected date of delivery and the actual time of delivery During these last treatments our sessions together will also help your body produce prostaglandins, and oxytocin to help promote ease of delivery with typically less reported pain and smoother transitions between birthing phases.  A lower incidence of inductions have been reported due to acupuncture intervention. In one particular research study, only 20% of the acupuncture group required induction as compared to 35% in the control group.

After your baby's beautiful, thrilling entry into this world, there is still a need for the new mother to be tended to. In the postpartum phase or 4th trimester, it is essential for the mother to regain her energy and balance. Labor, birth and delivery, c-sections and VBACs require huge amounts of energy, qi and blood from the mother. We help her recoup that energy so that she may be strong and supported as she takes on this new chapter in her life. This is a time when help with lactation, breast issues, postpartum blues, general healing and regaining her strength will be important. Again, our expert practitioners are here to assist you through each phase of pregnancy to help you & babes be the best you can be!

If you are newly pregnant, halfway there or in that home-stretch, we would love to be a part of your pregnancy journey and beyond! Reach out to us at 702-417-6511,  book online or schedule a free discovery consultation via phone or video chat today! We would love to hear from you!